Sunday, October 19, 2008

Preparation for Wednesday Oct 22

  • The web address for our site is
  • For next week Wed Nov 22
    • Watch the ban boxing video (at least first two speakers)
    • Do flow notes for the first two speakers (get blank flow sheet from useful links module on left side of oursite) to practice flow noting
    • Have a look at Google notebook video (bottom of the site) so u can use it for research (you will need to set up a Google account to use it -- if u have a gmail account you can use this as the log in )
    • We have been given our topics for November 8 . There are four and we will be debating them all so we need to focus on these as part of our practice research and debating pracs. I have listed them in the right column.
    • Because of time pressures I have also put together a packet of stuff to familiarize your selves with the first topic about Incentives in School. To get to the packet click on the link at the first topic.
    • Instead of reviewing the Maryland slots issue could students please look over this packet (and bring along a printed version if possible ).The Tournament director said this topic is likely to be be refined to focus on the financial incentive scheme for school students DC is now running.
    • The aim is to get a list of pro and con arguments and evidence/examples to support them . If you want to research more widely go for it!! We are going to try and do a quick debate on this topic on Wednesday so if students can have a list of arguments ready that will help .
    • You may want to try the Sort Fix search engine we talked about Wednesday

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Video: Ban Boxing