Monday, January 12, 2009

Debate Club returns - Jan topics

For our Debaters who showed so much promise in 2008 we have the topics for the next debate tournament on Jan 31 

They are:

All primary and secondary schools should ban dodge ball.
No Child Left Behind is a failed policy.
Governors should not be allowed to appoint interim senators.
The United States should militarily intervene in Congo.

We will do the dodge ball topic this Wednesday.

 Please prepare some arguments for and against the ban and come with a case line prepared for your argument.

Could Students with a family name beginning with A-K prepare arguments and a case line in support of the ban. Students with family names beginning with L-Z should prepare arguments and a case line against the ban.

Remember the case line simply summarizes how your team will argue the topic: eg Dodge ball kills students and there is no evidence it improves fitness (you then need to be able to back this up with facts!) .

As we prepare keep in mind you need to show WHY your argument is better than your opponent. simply listing your arguments will not win the debate. this is why we do flow charts so bring pen and paper please.

It is nearing exam period so students should try to practice quick research and short notes.

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Video: Ban Boxing